Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Thursday July 8, 2010

Eagles Cry Life Centre in Thunder Bay is distributing 350 food boxes and 350 hygiene boxes to needy families in partnership with FTC Canada.

The distribution will take place at An Eagles Cry Life Centre on 100 Simpson Street in Thunder Bay, ON today (centre founder Sky Hedricks in photo). Volunteers and staff from Eagles Cry will hand out the food boxes (approx. 22 pounds) along with boxes of personal hygiene products.

FTC Canada partners with organizations and companies throughout Canada to provide food and supplies to those in need. Recipients are identified by local social service organizations and receive a food voucher which they redeem at the event. FTC Canada First Nations Camp team will run a children’s program during the event. FTC Canada runs summer camps in Mishkeegogamang and King Fisher Reserves.

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