Friday, July 2, 2010



There are a high percentage of First Nations children and youth in most of the communities in Northern Ontario. In Mishkeegogamang we have had the privilege of meeting and spending time with several of them over the over the course of three years.

Lauren has been attending Mish Adventures every year since it started in 2007. He is one of the children committed to coming as often as he could. There was always a smile on his face and a desire to help out where he could. “I’m going to make different choices than the some of the youth I know” was one of the first things he said to us. Every summer, Lauren returns to camp and seems to be on a path to making some good choices.

When asked why FTC Canada to such invests in a children’s program in a community that is so far away, the answer that has most been appropriate is, “If the relationships we build with the people in the community changes the direction of even one person’s life, it is a good thing.” If that person chooses hope instead of despair, it was worth it.

Lauren has agreed to be a Junior Leader at Mish Adventures this summer. Helping him find the skills and talents he was born with and developing his leadership potential is an exciting adventure. Our goals at camp are:

  • To meet the needs of the children;
  • Give children a place to forget their sadness;
  • Develop long-term relationships.

We hope to inspire young people to become leaders, in the camp program and in their community. We are excited about our forth summer in Mish. Goals are being met and the journey many of these children are on may, change transform and entire community’s outlook on the future.

Learn more about supporting a child at Mish Adventures: Click Here!

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