Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The new school
Nature's Sunshine Canada has partnered with FTC Canada and the people of Haiti to build a new school building at the Mission of Hope (MOH).

As noted by our partner in Haiti:
Quality education is vital in our effort to improve the economic structure of Haiti. The School of Hope has approximately 2,500 students enrolled per school year in Kindergarten through High School. 

Garry Ford opens the school
Nature's Sunshine fully funded the new 2 room school building which was completed in the Fall of 2010.  FTC Canada Manager, Procurement & Logistics, Gary Richard joined Garry Ford, Nature's Sunshine Products Manager and Brian Dyck in October 2010 on a site visit to see the completed project.

The goal of providing the next generation of Haitians with skills that will create self-sufficient and productive students is one that resonates with all the people involved in this essential partnership.

Garry Ford with Brian Dyck
FTC Canada would like to thank Nature's Sunshine Products Canada for their commitment to the communities in Haiti and their desire to bring about long-term change in the lives of the students at MOH.

Garry Ford, Principal Souffrant Jean Romain and Gary Richard

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